Monday, August 31, 2009


本来的计划是到KL的POPULAR BOOK FEST的,今天是最后一天,不过因为太懒惰加上我也很累了不想跑来跑去,所以取消。



午餐在Manhanttan Fish Market解决,因为我说没吃过XD。还不错啦,也许是因为我太饱了,我吃不完。



The original plan was going to KL as today is the last day of POPULAR BOOK FEST. However due to laziness and I am so tired, so the trip ends up cancel.XD

I decided to go to QUEENSBAY for movie-“UP”, it is highly recommended by someone also,
UP IS A MUST WATCH MOVIE. At first I planned to go alone, but before I go, I received a sms from KK, so I asked him wants to join me or not.

I have to agree that UP is a very nice movie, and very touching too, for me la. What happened during the whole movie, I shall not write it out at here, although not much readers, I will still feel embarrass.

Had our lunch at MFM because I said I never try it before. It was not bad la but for me it was so big portion. May be I was too full, that’s why I can’t finish.

Don’t want to go back so early, so we watched another movie-VENGEANCE, it means revenge.

It was not nice!!! Wasted my money for watching a no content movie, the whole storyline is so sweat. All died in the end. I thought it should be nice because I was attracted by the line on its poster, looks like my intuition can’t be trusted.

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